Heywood – target for delivery during 2021


The Heywood has now achieved our expressions of interest target and a PRP to gain us grant funding has been submitted.

The first sections of route 4 (the southern part from Durbridge Hill towards Heywood Grange, Chestnut Tree farm and up he Heywood as far as Lodge Farm) has started build work.

Volunteers to support the build are now being sought.

You can now register formally for the service and pre register for grants to support delivery of the service.

At  the same time we seek investors to share the cost of funding the project.  B4RN investments can be very attractive financially but should be thought firstly and foremost as the way to a great broadband service for the locality.  We also seek volunteers to support contractors in delivering the service.   To invest you can either contact Charles or David whose details are on the leaflet (or email via the Heywood address below) or fill in the forms on B4RN’s web site directly

We need the permission of landowners to dig across their land to make the project work.  Their involvement is crucial and very much appreciated.  David Bliss and Dick Mitchell are working to obtain these wayleaves on our behalf and work is progressing well.

You can email the team at .img(at).img(dot).img(dot).img